2018 BFEC Reunion - Las Cruces, NM

October 5,6, & 7, 2018

Information from BFEC Facebook Page: FaceBook BFEC

Hello All!!

It is time to begin the registration process for the upcoming 2018 BFEC Reunion!!!

To reserve your hotel, please use this link, The Ramada Palms has given us a great deal for our rooms. Cost is $75.00 per night plus taxes.

https:// www.hotelplanner.com/Event/ ?pid=4660567 

This years events will be:

Friday night, Oct 5 - Welcome Reception - Hors d'oeuvres, finger foods, drinks will be available from the bar at your expense.

Saturday morning Breakfast Buffet 

Then leave for The Trinity Site, as most will have rental vehicles, given the location of the hotel, please car pool when possible with a friend, the site CLOSES AT 2:00 PM!!!

Here is a link with information about Trinity, be sure to bring your acceptable ID for entrance and do read the information provided for your comfort.

http://www.wsmr.army.mil/ Trinity/Pages/Home.aspx

Saturday Group Photo Op - 6:30 pm

Group dinner at 7:00 pm with dessert ice cream bar

Sunday morning Breakfast Buffet

These meals will all be held in the Atrium 

Cost of these food options are $75.00 per person and checks may be sent to:

BFEC Reunion
PO Box 197
Oregon City, OR 97045

Lunches on Saturday and Sunday are not included.

Should you have any questions or comments, my cell is 503-975-3961.

Warmest regards and see you in October!!

Darlene Caldwell-Fritsche